Reimbursing your subbies – who pays for what?

In an ideal world, your subbies would turn up in their own van, pay for their own fuel, and bring their own tools. All you’d need to pay for is the cost of their labour and any materials used on site. In reality, it’s not always as black and white – sometimes it’s...

Is your payroll company leaving you exposed?

In February 2022, an employment tribunal ordered a contractor to pay substantial costs to a ‘self-employed’ subcontractor they worked with via a payroll company. Here is a breakdown of what the contractor was instructed to pay:   For unfair dismissal:...

Is HMRC’s CEST tool reliable?

The use of labour-only subcontractors in the construction industry is standard practice. You get a big project, you need extra hands, but you don’t want to employ, so you bring in some subbies. Not unusual. But as you start to work with those subbies more frequently,...
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