The HardHats Hub

How to work with subcontractors on a long-term basis

Despite what you may have been told, using subcontractors long-term is not a grey area. There is no limit on how long you can work with subbies – nothing in UK law and nothing in HMRC’s regulations. So why on earth does it cause so much confusion? Probably because...

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How to avoid contractual disputes with subcontractors

Disagreements, conflicts, and disputes aren’t uncommon in business, and the construction industry sees its fair share. Even small construction projects can suffer setbacks and unforeseen issues resulting in delays, payment issues or client disputes.

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Can you pay subbies by the hour?

The short answer is yes. But we understand why you might think otherwise. It’s because there are so many rumours in the construction industry about how you can and can’t work with subbies and how you can and can’t pay them.

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HardHats: here for the underdog

Would you rather be on the golf course with your mates or fielding questions from HMRC about the employment status of your subbies? Even if you aren’t a golf...

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How to choose a payroll company

You might think we’re pretty tough on payroll companies, and maybe we are. It’s not that we don’t think there is value in what they do – we just don’t like it...

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