How to work with subcontractors on a long-term basis

Despite what you may have been told, using subcontractors long-term is not a grey area. There is no limit on how long you can work with subbies – nothing in UK law and nothing in HMRC’s regulations. So why on earth does it cause so much confusion? Probably because...

Do subcontractors get holiday pay?

Under the Working Time Regulations, annual leave and holiday pay are statutory rights for employees or workers (including agency workers) The statutory entitlement is 5.6 weeks – if you work 5 days a week, this works out as 28 days (some companies offer more)....

Can you pay subbies by the hour?

You might have been told you can’t pay subbies by the hour because it makes it look like they are your employees rather than subbies. But this isn’t true. Employment status has nothing to do with how you pay a subcontractor. You can pay subcontractors by...

Do payroll companies insure your subbies?

You might have heard a rumour that if you contract your subbies through payroll or umbrella companies, they’ll take care of the insurance. It’s utter bollocks. Even if they vet all the subbies thoroughly, accidents happen, mistakes happen, and insurance claims happen....
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